Tag: Road signs

  • Skyltsöndag, fast på fel dag!!

    Nu är det väldigt länge sedan jag var med och skyltade tillsammans med Beate så här kommer några skyltar från Malta, trots att söndagen passerat. Bilderna som syns här ovanför är dagsfärska och har en tydlig gemensam nämnare, SÖTT! Sött kan ju vara både gulligt och gott medan den här skylten är mer åt det…

  • Skyltsöndag / Sunday Signs

    I have a dear friend that I have known ever since I started blogging year 2011. Every Sunday she post different kinds of signs and there are many others that follow. I haven’t participated since I can’t remember when but now I feel it is time to join again. Here we go…Great Sales in Sicily.…

  • On the Way…

    Here we are on the way along the Mediterranean Sea where the sculpture “White Shadow”stands. A marble cut-out of human figures walking together. Designed by Maltese Architect Richard England in Sliema 2002.On the way by car to the countryside. …where we meet these happy riders.Suddenly the road ends. Which way I chose then I’ll let…

  • Happy Monday’s mix!

    A kite flying in the air is a kind of freedom for both the child on the ground and for the viewer. This road sign is so cute! I have never seen a hedgehog here in Malta but these signs are quite common. Hopefully there are many hidden living in the bushes, although they are…

  • Why Malta – This is my Malta / Part 1.

    Malta is Europe’s southernmost state with a population of about 450,000 d. I love this country and I’m more than grateful for being able to live on this small island in the Mediterranean Sea. I’ll try to show you why!This is a typical Maltese balcony and the honey-colored façade is made of limestone, the preferred…


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